Operation Soul Surf – Channel 9 News Melbourne


Shout out to Mark Santomartino from 9 News Melbourne for coming along to OSS7 and chatting with us about what we are doing to support current and former first responders and veterans through surf therapy.

Mother Nature turned on a spectacular day of sunshine, a light breeze and good waves that made the day enjoyable for everyone involved.

When messages started coming in overnight from places as far away as Byron Bay and the Sunshine Coast we realised the story had gone national last night on 9 News and we are stoked by the support 🙌🏽


As always a big shout out to our partner East Coast Surf School and wonderful surf coaches.
If you’d like to learn more about our program or apply for an upcoming course, check us out at www.operationsoulsurf.com


 Posted by Sergeant Barry Randall 
Victoria Police 


Video supplied by 9 News Melbourne
Interview by Mark Santomartino